
Friday, March 12, 2010

New skin!

Hohoho! New blog template! I was so worried I was gonna screw it up but it turned out to be nice!LOL!
OMG I went for zumba ytd and it was awesome! Worked my whole body out so much I haven't sweat that way for such a long time! Wanted to go swimming after that but the two blockheads that were supposed to go with me had their own things to do..
Lalala I'm such a helpful person. But sometimes you just feel that you're taken for granted. Hmmm.
I still don't know how to appreciate stuff that I have! I just came back from Madison and I'm envying couples that I see on my way to and back from class? @.@
Oh ya Happy Birthday Mommy Hew! I don't know if you've received my card but I hope you like it! :D I love you always!
Meetings are always not fun but you always have to go for it. So see ya people.

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